The mention of Cod Liver Oil usually evokes nostalgia from the past with not
such pleasant memories and frowning looks. So why promote it in the 21st century?
The story begins with a child quite bright and charming with behaviors quite perplexing. Interventions satisfied the therapists, not the mother. Harnessing maternal intuition, a discipline to synchronize balance and movement evolved. Building core strength improved sensory integration and supported the sensory motor system, maturing the primitive reflexes. A new child was emerging and gave official rise to the Balance & Movement Program. Meeting with success and often times not, a question surfaced, demanding an answer.
Cod Liver Oil was offered as a most potent nutrient dense food per teaspoon, a marine superfood, rich with soluble Vitamin A, D and K, healthy fats, Omega, DHA and EPA.
The results speak for themselves!
Comments such as this were made by many OB's, midwives and Doulas.
The common denominator begin women who took VKCLO during pregnancy.
Cod fish individually caught from the purest Alaskan waterways. 100% traceability and transparency.
Liver extraction is promptly done on vessel and then flash frozen to minimize oxidation.
Livers are wrapped and kept frozen on board until returning to port.
The oil is gently heated at 90°C for 30 seconds to allow for extraction and to facilitate removal of impurities.
The oil is then put through a proprietary centrifuge extraction process.
The key nutrients of Vitamin A, D & K, Omega, EPA & DHA are left intact. No synthetics are added.
Liquid VKCLO is bottled into 8 oz. bottles in a US facility. Soft gels are encapsulated with a specially slaughtered animal skins to ensure freshness and no a US facility.
Cod fish individually caught from the purest Alaskan waterways. 100% traceability and transparency.
Liver extraction is promptly done on vessel and then flash frozen to minimize oxidation.
Livers are wrapped and kept frozen on board until returning to port.
The oil is gently heated at 90°C for 30 seconds to allow for extraction and to facilitate removal of impurities.
The oil is then put through a proprietary centrifuge extraction process.
The key nutrients of Vitamin A, D & K, Omega, EPA & DHA are left intact. No synthetics are added.
Liquid VKCLO is bottled into 8 oz. bottles in a US facility. Soft gels are encapsulated with a specially slaughtered animal skins to ensure freshness and no a US facility.
NEW! – Vegetarian Gel Cap
Hides used in the production of this gelatin were kosher slaughtered and prepared under strict rabbinical supervision.
*Statements found on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.
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